Wednesday 18 April 2018

Death Knocks Again....

God breathed and so she did for the last time. The grim reaper knocked at her door today but God’s Angels greeted her first with their peaceful and loving, welcoming arms.   

Death seems to find comfort in making me return to the Spiritual realm. It reminds me how disconnected I feel when I can’t use my gift of sense that God has given me. The thought of someone I care about being in pain that I can’t sense saddens me deeply, encouraging me to return to the ground on my knees, closing my eyes, clearing my mind and asking God to reconnect with me to His Spiritual realm of sense, spirit and love.

Death is a cloud that gently floats around each person, waiting for the destined time to return us to God’s house. The grim reaper is to create fear in us, to scare us of being welcomed into the arms of one of God’s Angels.

Death is a part of life from God which still causes me to wonder, to think about the pain it causes and the tears it creates. We know, we understand but we still believe that it will never come.

Death might be a part of life but it’s never one we want to often acknowledge. God tells us it’s imminent but our humanity causes us to block it, finding comfort in living eternally on earth which is never true.

Death is a drink that no one wants to taste, a drug no one wants to swallow and a song no one wants to hear. Death is still fearfully fascinating to me. Death is not the grim reaper. It’s the last breath heard on a cold night, the last whisper through the leaves of the tree, the last note of a love song. 

Image result for isaiah 61 verse 1-3