Tuesday 17 March 2015

Respectfully speaking!

This week-end I was reminded that respect is important, never-ending and needed. We should respect everyone regardless of their mistakes, choices and opinions. God created us in His image which should encourage us to respect ourselves and others because we deserve it.

Many people say "I deserve respect" but what they are really meaning is that they want people to "fear" them. They want people to do what they want and never disagree with them and "bow" down to them all the time but that is not what God intended the meaning of respect to be. God wants us to have "respect for all people; Love the brothers and sisters of God's family, respect God, honor the King" (1 Peter 2:17).

A wise woman in my family likes this saying, "I don't have to like you to love you". In other words, I might not like certain things about you but I love you because God wants us to love each other regardless of our judgements of them. We all have different perspectives and they all need to be respected. It's not easy but we all deserve it.

But I'm sure some of you are saying, that's fine but why do I have to show respect in order to get it? I deserve it! Yes you do deserve it but sometimes we have to show respect first to get some respect. We often forget that some learn, practice and understand life lessons before others.

I know many of you will got into a shop and greet the person behind the till and not get one in return. But trust me, one day you will forget to greet and that same person will look up and greet you first because you had God's knowledge and understanding to show respect first. Remember God blesses us in His time, not ours.

So, in God's view, how do we show respect? We do so by loving each other as we love ourselves. We don't have to "bow" down to someone to show  respect. Think about how you would like to be realistically respected and then respect others in the same way. A greeting, a smile, eye contact can convey respect. Using your manners all the time, addressing people as "Ma'am, Sir" can also convey respect.

You might not always thing a person deserves it but deep down they do and God wants us to treat each other in the right way, His way. You might want to consider that that person might not have the tools they need to respect themselves and therefore don't know how to show you respect.

People can also see that you are worthy of respect by showing respect to those around you like your parents, your children, your family and friends.

Every one of us want to know that we matter to someone, anyone. By showing respect to a person you are conveying that message. Who knows, that respectful greeting you give to a complete stranger might be the deciding factor they needed to save or harm themselves. The smile you give could make a sad person feel warm and valued inside. Eye contact can say "I see you, I respect you".

I know sometimes it seems that the more we try, the less is returned but God wants us to keep spreading His character, not expecting anything in return because He will bless us in eternity. 

The world and everything that people want in it are passing away, 
but the person who does what God wants lives forever.
1 John 2:17

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