Monday 30 May 2016

My Monday Mutter: Don't accessorise, humanise!

noun: accessory; plural noun: accessories; noun: accessary; plural noun: accessaries

a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive.


Humans are interesting, irritating and difficult to understand sometimes. I know I have said this before but I really wish I could see what others are thinking and why they treat people the way they do. This week-end, once again, I was socialising and watching people's behaviour. Yip, I'm still that weirdo!

It really amazed me how someone can mistreat another in front of others. Why do people allow themselves to be treated as an accessory? Are they so desperate to be with someone that they will allow themselves to be treated so or are they blind to the other person's behaviour?

Personally, I don't get it. On my planet, when two people are together, whether it's a friendship or relationship, they should give each other equal attention. Listen to each other and respect each other. I mean, why keep them around if you don't care for them as much they care for you?

(Writing this.....I've just realised I might have behaved this way and might have just lost a friend because of this - Oh flip! - see we all learn from our mistakes!)

It reminded me that giving is more important than receiving and the more you give, the more you will receive. We all want to be noticed, admired and listened to but we can't expect it especially if the other person is truly self-centred and treats you as an accessory. Are you someone's "thing" to make them seem more "useful or attractive"?

Mid-blog, I also wondered what the definition of the word "accessory" is and so I googled it. After reading it, it made the person's behaviour seem a little bit clearer to me. I started thinking...maybe this person needs another person as an accessory because they don't have a good self image! So, they need someone else to make them look better! And the light bulb switches on in my little head!

Yes, add an accessory like a piece of jewellery, a handbag or a scarf to add a little sparkle to your step or some colour to your outfit but not a person.

I wish this person would stop treating others like a handbag, a glass of wine or a nice meal. In other words, only good enough when he/she is in the mood for the other person and/or needs them for something. I wish this person would feel better about himself/herself because deep down, I'm sure there is God's goodness in them.We all need to realise too, that the way we treat others is the way they will treat us too. Hmmm...lastly, I wonder if he/she realise he/she was created in God's perfect, loving, beautiful image.

In closing....... 

Be liked by others by the way you share your heart and soul....and your actions and words.

Don't be someones accessory, be someones partner!


Thursday 19 May 2016

My Jesus is gangster good

My Jesus is gangster good
He walked in sandals around any hood

My Jesus didn't need bling to be seen
He loved the dirty, clean and mean

My Jesus spoke with love and grace
He didn't use drugs and alcohol to get you to see his face

My Jesus didn't carry a gun or dagger
He walked tall with honest swagger

My Jesus sat and ate with anyone
He didn't need to know where you've been or what you've done

Why do you feel the need to join a gang to be "hood"?
Why do you want to shed blood to be "good"?
Why do you hurt and harm to be "seen"?
Why do you want colours to "look mean"?

If Jesus didn't need to be a real gangster to be "phat"
Why can't you change to be all "that"?

If Jesus didn't need to be a real gangster to be "the man"
Why can't you quit and let Him be your plan?

My Jesus is gangster good
Allow Him into your heart and hood.

 Image result for pictures of jesus with words john 14:6

Thursday 5 May 2016

The God Series

At some point in our life, we have been glued to the t.v. screen watching our favourite series. And oh, how we stress if we've missed an episode! We sit for at least an hour watching how people manipulate each other, love each other and we hate it when an episode ends on a such a cliffhanger that you are not sure how you are going to wait until next week for the conclusion. It sounds familiar, doesn't it?

But sit back and look around. Do you see what I see? You and I are in a series. We are in the most awesome, exciting, heart-wrenching series you can ever see. We are all in "The God Series", and you and I are playing major roles.

The God Series is the life we are living. God is our director, telling us what to do, where to go, how to feel and what to say and if we make a's okay as He gives us many takes to keep trying to get better.

Yes, sure, we don't get the script beforehand but that is what makes it so exciting, every scene is new, unknown,intense. Every episode is a journey, an adventure.

The God Series has seasons of dance and laughter, seasons of love and hate, seasons of life and death and season for all occasions. In this series, everyone has a role to play. Everyone has a line, a scene, a motive. So, what's so unique of this series?

The uniqueness is there is only one person behind the scenes directing, writing, producing, editing and sharing it with the world. There are no pressures of lighting, cameras, microphones and groups of people wandering around aimlessly. God is our all in one film maker!

We don't have to act to get famous or rich. We don't have to study for hours trying to imagine how we should feel, what we should do or how to be. We were born with all these things in the God Series. The God Series is a great combination of script and reality. We were born famous in God's eyes, filled with His riches on earth and we walk the script He wrote before we knew it.

What more would you want in a t.v. series?!

In the end, we are left with the gift of looking back at how the God series played out and how important our role was. We shared weddings and funerals, births and adoptions, love and laughter, wrinkles and grey hairs. We shared real, true life. And some of the advantages of this series are we don't need to pay a t.v. license to watch it, we don't need to have cable t.v. to join in with others and we don't need to sit for hours catching up.

All we need is to embrace the episode God created for us, enjoy the season He is busy working in and love the fact that we are in the most important series we will ever know....The God Series.