Tuesday 24 January 2017

Twelve Months of Christ: January

 Jesus said to the father, "You said, "If you can!"
All things are possible for the one who believes"
Mark 9:23 

This year for my blog, God told me to write the 12 months of Christ. I can’t tell you why or what about each month I must write. I’ve listened, I hope to learn and like every child of a parent I do what I am told (well, most of the time).

Every January, we hear “how are you going to be a better you this year?”, “lose weight”, “what are your resolutions?”, “make more money”, etc. How many Januaries have we started being more stressed than impressed and lack motivation and inspiration?

I recently watched the movie “Miracles from Heaven” and I discovered what I have to share with you this January. I loved the words I heard and received from this movie, “Miracles are from God and God is with us. Miracles are all around us”

A miracle, according to the dictionary is defined as “an event which is believed to have a supernatural or divine cause/any wonderful or surprising event.”

A miracle is defined in the Bible as “wonderful thing”, “great event which can be done only by God’s help. Miracles are special signs to show God’s power”

You know sometimes we say “it’s a miracle I wasn’t in that accident or storm or place” when something tragic has happened especially when we were literally, just there mere seconds or minutes away. We sit slightly shell shocked, imagining if we were there, wondering if we would be okay, hurt or even alive. It's also at this time that we often count our blessings that we weren't there.

So next time you say this, consider this, you who are reading this, believer or non-believer. It’s a miracle that you believe in miracles because miracles are from God and only Him.

Look around, look inside you. As we end off January, look at all the miracles God has surrounded you with. 

Jesus looked at them and said, 
"This is something people cannot do, but God can.
God can do all things"
Mark 10:27

Now, imagine how many more He can bring into your life?

This year, let’s not focus too much on resolutions. Let’s focus, as we start a new year of Christ, on all the wonderful things He has done, will do and plans to do in your life, for your life and with you in your life, this year, 2017.

Image result for happy new year 2017 wishes christian

Thursday 12 January 2017

I AM....

God is awesome and works in mysterious ways. Today, I met with a life coach to see what I need to do to change my path so I can do what God’s purpose is for my life. Last year, I discovered for sure what God’s purpose is for my life and starting making “selfish” decisions to start fulfilling that purpose.  It took an hour of discussing but then the two words which have been on my mind for the past week were mentioned. The two words being….”I am”

God this year has given me these words to hear, carry and share with others. We all have dreams and passions that we want to achieve but how are we supposed to do this when we “want” more than we “am”?

One thing I will always know for sure is that I AM a child of God and I AM a servant of God. This will never change. 

This year, I am a writer. I am a counsellor. I am going to follow my dreams and change my path. I am going to earn money through doing what I love and I know that God will help me to change “my want” into “my am”. And the awesome thing I discovered today is how I can combine my passions to help others.

We often forget that God knows exactly who we are meant to be. He created us, He gave us the gifts He intended us to use and He is the one that provides us with the fruits of the spirit to achieve HIS PURPOSE in OUR LIFE.

Why do we doubt when God doesn’t? Why don’t we believe what God believes? How can we accept that God is convinced about everything when we are not convinced about anything?

God KNOWS that you can “AM” and change your CAN’T into I CAN!

God never doubts His own ability to be your GOD, your ROCK, your SAVIOUR. He was so sure of His abilities and possibilities that He sacrificed HIS ONLY SON for YOU!

So…I challenge you this year to discover or re-discover God’s purpose and passion in your life and say to yourself…..