Monday 13 February 2017

Twelve months of Christ: February

I know February is the month of “love” but this month of Christ, I am urged to share how overwhelmed I feel about my surroundings.  It has filled me with immense excitement, energy and enthusiasm.

February is not even over and I have been surrounded by INSPIRATION.  God has opened my eyes to see something I hope everyone gets to see at some point in their life.

Inspiration is all around us. It is in everyone we encounter, from God to the ground and back again. It is in the lowest of low to the highest of high.

So…what is Inspiration?

Inspiration is “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative, a sudden brilliant or timely idea and/or the drawing in of breath; inhalation” (online dictionary)

In the Bible (Youth Bible, New Century Version), it is defined as “used to mean that the Bible writers wrote what God wanted them to write. God breathed”

The man begging on the street who might hang his head in shame with his cardboard sign inspires me as he won’t give up trying to feed his family and himself. Yes, some do have addictions but even that inspires me because the determination to not give up even if it is to get money for the next meal or next fix (ironic, right?). I know you are reading this with your mouth open but really think about it. How difficult is it for us, who have wealth in different areas of our life, has no determination to try, to achieve and even to finish a simple task? Yet, the man on the street does. You say but he has no choice? Yes, he does. He can lie down and die, not caring or He can beg, hoping that someone might give me a chance at a job or home or meal. He takes a risk everyday standing there, not knowing what the next few seconds, minutes, hours will bring.

The dad who can’t believe girls have no opportunity to play a sport like soccer. He stands up and says “Not on my watch” and starts a soccer team in the Suburbs. Through persistence, love and media, it has grown, been blessed with donations and every week, new girls coming to train and to do something they love. The parents get involved because someone who doesn’t even know them welcomed them, accepted them and gave parents the opportunity to help their children follow their dreams and support them. Inspiration is felt by the commitment to try, to learn, to teach and to not give up for the sake of others, the girls.

The single mom and/or dad, who sees their bank balance, trying to figure out how to make it last while smiling at their children, ensuring they will always have what they need, when they need it. Parents who work all day and have to trust others with their children to make sure that their family is provided for. Inspiration from other people’s sacrifices of time, love, money to provide, support and to be present.

Even the man who changes the street lamp bulb inspires as he might not have a high education but as the ability to know how electricity works, how to fix wires and replace the light that helps you get home safely, helps you to see in front of you or helps you feel you are safe traveling there.

Inspiration comes from aging…..

The aged journalist who finds it difficult to remember sometimes, who fingers shake from age, to get access to her written words yet writes every day, laughs through what she can recall and share it all with people who aspire to have half the life she has experienced.

The elderly lady who knows that worshipping God on a Sunday is so important that she walks slowly with her walking stick to church not letting age, aches and lack of energy stop her from spending time with the man who never let her down.

Finally, inspiration comes from God…..

If you page through your Bible, you will encounter people like Ruth, Moses, Noah, Mary, Joseph etc.  who some followed God blindly not knowing where they are going, who they will meet and what will happen to them. You will encounter people who God inspired them by keep encouraging them through His voice to trust, to try and step out of their comfort zone, letting God take control of their life.

God inspires us by just listening to us and whispering messages of love, faith, hope, trust into our ears, hearts, bodies, minds and souls. How inspiring is it to know that God believes in us so much that He killed His only Son for us! How inspiring is it to know that God used a virgin and a carpenter to raise that Son? How inspiring is it to know that God took a bullied person like Joseph (Old Testament) and made him to be a man of power? How inspiring is it to know that God inspired Noah to build that Ark and follow Him who saved our world and in turn allowed us to grow and prosper?

Do I need to carry on? Look around you, listen to those you encounter and see the inspiration in it all. You never know, God might be using your surroundings to inspire you to do His will in your life and His plans will always make you prosper.

Let “God breath” onto you
Image result for pictures of breathing

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