Thursday 13 June 2013

Does it scare you too?

Today, motivational speakers keep telling us don't be afraid of failure. Failure is part of the process, part of achieving success in the end. It's true but what do they say if you are afraid of the complete opposite. Afraid of success?!

Yes, I know, reading this you are probably wondering how anyone can be afraid of succeeding in life, succeeding in anything for that matter.Well, I am. I am afraid of trying something and actually succeeding. I also know that I am not the only one out there that feels this way.

I find trying and failing easier to deal with and move on from than trying and succeeding. "Huh", you say. Let me explain.

People don't tell you that when you achieve success that the people around you expect you to keep that level of success going all the time. They also don't tell you that you seem to apply quite a lot of pressure on yourself to keep on top of your game which in business is a good assumption. People assume that you are always on top of your game and get very surprised when you slip up, make a mistake or just plain forget things.

Now, that's what's scary. The thought of trying to keep the success going, the level of achievement of a high standard scares me. What if I can't keep it going? What if I slip up? Do I lose the respect of others? Do they doubt my abilities?

Talk about pressure.Yes, I know this is more self-talk than actually people's opinions but man, the voice in your head can really affect you more sometimes than others. This is when you become your own enemy, your own doubter.

How do I combat this issue, I keep trying. Yes, it takes me longer, meaning days, months perhaps to take the first step but I force myself to do it. I force myself not to worry about this until I am actually there. Then a slight panic emerges. Panic turns into nerves which turns into excitement once the good realisation becomes apparent. I go......trying to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. There is no shortcut to success only hard work would carry you towards success . As success is progressive process that include milestones, the emphasis is on the journey not on the original destiny.

    Mark Duin

    Motivational Speaker
