Thursday 6 June 2013

A Time for Everything

This week I battled to think about what to write and then I started to think about one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, Verse 1 – 8.  ‘There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season’.

What I love about these verses is that it is so relevant to your life, no matter what century you are living in. I also love that it can relate to so many different things and have possibly different meanings to each person.

Life is one wonderful special season for all us and yes, there is a time for everything in life. God creates time for us to experience all that the life He has given us.

There is a time to be born and a time to die. Yes, this means literally to be born and to die but it could also mean to let the “old” you die when you are saved and allow the “new” you to be born in the light of the Lord.

There is a time to plant and a time to pull up plants. Interestingly enough, yes, this also means literally there are preferred times to plant plants and pull out plants especially if they are no longer growing. Regarding human beings, this could mean there is a time to plant, to sow new seeds and/or things in our life which we allow to grow, whether it being something like changing careers, changing habits etc. “Pulling out plants” could mean pulling out our personal weeds, maybe trying to change and/or stop bad habits, change our self as a person or possibly getting rid of those things around us that cause us to be someone we don’t particularly like.

There is a time to kill and a time to heal. There is a time to destroy and a time to build. Well, these two verses are interesting as we have to really thing about these two verses to see how it relates to our life.  To me, these two verses seem quite harsh as it is very direct and blunt. To kill could mean to end something or end a relationship with somebody, something or somebody that could be destroying us which can be very difficult especially when a person might feel it is the best they can do and/or because it's all they know. The upside of this is when a person has made the decision to end it; there is a time to heal and a time to build. The time to heal is allowing yourself to get better, to reflect and also re-build yourself as a person and in turn your environment.

There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to be sad and a time to dance.  I love these verses as it really relates to our ups and downs, our highs and lows of life. These two verses make you recall good and bad memories. Straight away our time to cry and time to be sad would make us recall a time when we have lost something and/or somebody in our life. This is when we cried until we fell asleep or felt sad until we found something to make us smile again. Our times to laugh and dance are the weddings, parties we attended and our family we created memories with and our friends we made along the way. These are times we were silly together, spoke nonsense, made a noise and just spent time together. These two verses helps us to remember the tears we’ve cried, the laughter we helped create and the time we held hands and danced together.

There is a time to throw away stones and a time to gather them. First I thought this could relate to leave people out of our life and keep others in our life. Upon further reflection, I thought that this could mean there are times when we should let things that happen, happen and/ or things people say affect us and then there are times when we should just let it go. What I mean by this, is there are times when we should allow ourselves to have intense emotion in healthy ways (and not lash out at the person) and maybe think about what the person is trying to tell us and there are times, especially if you have heard something about you via the grapevine, that we should just let it go (especially if you know it not to be true). We need to pick our battles and fight in a constructive and healthy way to get our side across.

There is a time to hug and a time not to hug. To me, this just means after a resolved issue between two people, a hug could start the love and seal the deal but hugging in the middle of an issue could lead to physical harm. A hug is a great way to let anyone know that you do care but like this chapter says…there really is a time for everything. Choose the time to hug wisely!

There is a time to look for something and a time to stop looking for it. There is a time to keep things and a time to throw things away. These verses can relate to any changes you might want to make in your life. For example, if your interests and/or passion have changed this could lead to a career change and in turn means a time to look for something. The second part of this verse could mean that maybe you are searching for something that you know deep down is really not suited for you and this would be the time to stop searching.  There is a time to keep things especially in times of loss , we tend to hang on to material items which makes us feel still connected to that person but eventually the time comes when we have to throw it away and close that chapter in order for us to start looking for something new.

There is a time to tear apart and a time to sew together. This verse can be related to some of the verses mentioned above. There is a time to “tear” our bad relationships and there is a time to “sew” together. This is a great verse to remember when you and your family are going through a rough patch and it seems that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It is a good opportunity to reflect on things that should be ended or “torn apart” and a time to really get closer to each other, supporting each other and drawing strength from each other in difficult times. Our family is our quilt, they keep us warm, they allow us to show our loose threads and that we are coming apart at the seams and because we keep re-sewing all of us together when these threads start showing.

There is a time to be silent and a time to speak. There is a time to love and a time to hate. There is a time for war and a time for peace.  The first verse is a good tool we all, I think, need to learn. However, it can be difficult to master this. I think we should always try to think before we speak especially if we might say something that could really hurt the other person. A time to love and a time to hate can be misused in many ways. I like to think we should try and love all the times which is also not easy to do including when something happens which creates an emotion of hate. It’s how we use that emotion of hate which makes the difference. This leads to when there is a time for war and a time for peace. This verse also means to pick your battles wisely and show peace when appropriate. Sometimes a time for war could be to state your opinion in a peaceful yet effective way. We don’t need to use aggression or anger to get our view across and for it to make an impact. We also need to notice the time to rather express peace and not add fuel to the fire.

This Chapter in the Bible allows us to think of all different aspects of our life and how each verse relates to us on a personal, emotional and spiritual way. I love the way it creates imagery in our minds and helps us to reflect on the past, present and future.

There is a time for everything and everything happens in God’s time.

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