Tuesday 28 May 2013


Every now and then, I ask this question on my social media sites to see what responses I get but it seems either not many people know and/or they are just tired of seeing that question.

For me, it's music, movies and books.

I love the way music is often connected to memories or personal experiences we've had and how the same emotions re-emerge every time we hear it. It causes us to have flashbacks of things gone by. Music inspires me by the beat, the dance moves and the lyrics. Some songs create a beat to make you move your feet which in turn gets you to feel better about yourself, life. Others have great dance moves which inspire me and others to learn to dance, maybe feel sexy and the lyrics sometimes gets you to reflect on life, yourself, family, friends or just get in touch with "you".

Books creates the opportunity to get inspired. Sometimes without you even knowing it. The cover might make you pick it up but the story is what affects you. They allow you to walk and live in someone elses' shoes, travel in their world, experience their emotions. I get inspired because it allows me to escape, see things from another viewpoint, encourage "me" time and also gives me the opportunity to learn more about myself and others. Fictional characters help me to connect to them and inspires me to reflect on me, especially if what the character is going through is similar or the same of my experiences, whether it be past and/or present.

Even though we might have read the book beforehand, movies make the books come alive. The music, the people, the life lessons and emotions. Movies inspire me as it allows me to see the story and to reflect on it visually. Special features on a DVD gives me insight into the heads of the people behind the scenes especially the scenes we come to love and don't forget. I listen when a director explains a scene and/or the background as more than once it is different to what I envisioned the movie to mean. Movies allow me to see the message and/or moral clearer, which I love.

I get inspired when a song, a book and even a movie teaches me something about life, others and/or myself. I get inspired when it makes me, afterwards, sit in stillness, thinking about what I've read, heard and/or seen.

These medias can truly be life-changing!

So, what inspires you? Is the beat, the love scene or the classic words of an writer?

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