Monday 20 May 2013

Paranoid or Safety Conscious?

Sitting back and looking at society, I find myself wondering if we, as a society are becoming paranoid or conscious of safety.

We have put alarm systems, burglar bars, high walls, etc in and onto our houses with the hope and confidence that our family and house will not be corrupted by others. Is this us being safety conscious or becoming paranoid as we worry about the fact of getting murdered in our sleep.

I get the sense of paranoia from others when out in public, regardless of time and day. People today walk around on edge all the time. Experts say go for a walk for exercise but also to relax - REALLY?

They also say take some "me" time and enjoy a coffee by yourself. Those of you who have done this, do you honestly relax completely and ease into the booth or chair, grab your book and get lost in the words as you have a coffee OR do you hold your bag close to your side or body making sure no one can get it. You forgot your book so you bought a magazine which you quickly page through in between checking out each person that walks past and/or enters the coffee shop, and before you know it, your coffee is finished and your intention of spending an hour in quiet time ends up only being 20 minutes as you want to rush home to feel completely relaxed and safe behind your high walls, burglar bars, watch dogs etc. 

Take a look at the people around you next time you are going to the shops. They are clutching their handbags, constantly looking around and look at everyone that passes like they are a possible criminal.

Gone are the days when you could walk in the road, enjoying the sunshine, laughing at the children playing in the streets. Now, we rush around to get done, scared to walk alone and even getting into a car can create tension in people.

People used to love staying alone at home, opening doors and windows wide, letting in the sun and the sounds of birds or enjoying the evening and star gazing. Now, as soon as dark settles in, windows are shut, curtains closed, doors locked and ease into bed, praying that God blesses us with a safe and restful sleep.

Should we blame each other for being paranoid and/or conscious of safety? Maybe not, especially as things are in South Africa and the world. Especially since a human life is not as important and/ or need to be considered as much as it was in the past. feel paranoid or safety conscious in your life? Are you able to walk down the street with a hop in your step and not worry about what could jump out at you from behind the next tree or the corner?

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