Monday 6 May 2013

A Writer in Limbo

One of my ultimate goals is to write a story and  get it published. Before, you stop reading, thinking not another one....give me a chance.

Of course, there are so many of us, desperate to see our name in print but that's not the only reason I want to write. I love getting the image of writing a story that might be able to help someone else reflect or give them advice on an issue that they have been facing. You know, give them an Oprah "ah-ha" moment. I would love to see someone sitting in their "sunny" chair reading my paperback with a smile on their face and a good feeling in their soul.

Authors keep saying to future writers, keep writing, but do you know how hard it is to write when you work full day, a mom at night and then you start writing and your story goes to a certain point and for the life of you, you can't figure out where it needs to go next.

Yes, this might sound like an excuse not to write, but what is a writer who practically starts with writer's block. A writer who sees the end result in their mind but just can't get the flow going before that point.

I am a writer in limbo..........searching for that story that grips me and makes me write til my fingers cramp and the page is smudged with dirt.

What morals would you like find out in an novel? What makes you spend hours in your "sunny" chair with a paperback and a smile on your face?

I would love to know.......while I float in limbo.

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