Tuesday 14 May 2013

Another Lonely Boy in the World

On the 8th May 2013, I took my child to see Justin Bieber. I have to say that I was impressed. As a 19 year old, he does know how to entertain but watching him reminded me of watching his interview with Oprah. I remember thinking what loneliness I see in his eyes even though he is smiling.

People often say how can he be lonely. He is rich, famous and gets whatever he wants but do you remember what you were doing at 19? I had a boyfriend, going out, having fun, being amongst people who liked me for me. Studying, hanging out in the cafeteria, talking nonsense with lecturers, figuring out who I want to be when I grow up. And what is JB doing? Spending how many months travelling, performing, practicing, promoting........when does he get to be 19?

The reason for writing this blog is because I am worried. I worry that he will one day as an adult, sit in the mansion on the hill, reflecting and wishing he had the chance to be a normal 19 year old. Maybe he doesn't see it the way I see it.

As a Mom, I wonder if he does feel lonely and how he deals with it....maybe acting out is his way of dealing with it. It must be quite lonely sometimes trying to figure out who you can trust, genuinely talk to. Yes, he might have family and his management team but sometimes you just need someone outside the inner circle, someone who can be objective.

To me, I see JB looking like a boy but acting like a man. Yes, I know many of you would say, well, he chose the life, it's his dream come true and I understand that and think it is great. But I wonder how he feels when the media tells the world how he misbehaved somewhere and in his eyes, he is just being 19.


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