Thursday 4 July 2013

Blog Babe

The sound of computer keys tap through the air, as the world carries on around her, without any notice from her. She is engrossed in her world as she creates rapidly and her coffee gets cold. People notice her in the window but she doesn’t pay them any attention.

She loves writing, her imagination free to run wild, the names coming alive to her; the words appear in her mind as she types. She doesn’t notice the hustle and bustle all around her, the dull hum of people through the window.

Her fingers start cramping telling her to take a break and stretch her fingers. She sits back into her cigar chair and grabs her coffee. Sipping slowly enjoying a cold coffee, she finally looks through the window, fascinated by the people around and that night has fallen. Slowly, she turns her head and sits right up, frozen in place, looking at a certain spot across the way.

She can't make out what exactly it is. The shadow created by the nearby street lamp creates an eerie picture in front of her. The scene reminds her of a movie. An odd looking shape on the sidewalk while three dark figures hover around it. She watches as the three figures disappear into the night.

She puts her empty mug down and re-types her blog for this week:

"I sit in my usual spot in this small place, hearing the hustle hum in the back of my mind while I start typing this blog for you. My coffee had gotten cold and the pain severe when I realised what I thought was hours typing. I decided to take a break and drink my coffee, watching the world outside. 

As I pondered my next sentence, my eye caught a scene on the sidewalk. An odd shape lying on the sidewalk down one of the side alleys. It was in open view yet not enough to be noticed. The street lamp creates the eerie scene. Around this odd shape are three figures hovering around it in the dark. Without looking behind them, they walk off into the night. 

It gave me chills down my spine but I thought I had to write it down. I feel like a detective with all these questions racing in my mind. What is the shape? Person, animal? Who were the three figures? Should I walk over to have a peek?"

Looking up again, across the way she notices the odd shape gone. Feeling scared and paranoid, she decides to leave for home. No need to peek anymore.


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