Wednesday 24 July 2013

Fiction Frenzy

Yesterday, I stepped into a place, I haven't been in for a good while - the library. It reminded me of how much I love the smell of old, withered, read books and how peaceful, yet inviting a library can be. You would  think in this day and age of technology, libraries were no longer popular but I was wrong. It warmed my heart to hear someone come in to apply for a library card and to see the excitement on my child's face after collecting her new library card and taking books out. Good, old fashioned reading is still the best.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed the many blessings God has given us even through something like a library where our mind can think, learn, wonder and create. 

As I was looking for books, I came across an interesting shelf which made stop and wonder about good vs. evil. There were Stephen King novels right next to Karen Kingsbury novels and of course, my imagination started running wild. Of course, logic tells me that it makes sense alpabetically but that line of thought is so boring. What interested me is how two very different authors get shelved together.

The one, to me, is a good writer but very eerie, sinister and some would say evil. His stories creates fear in us, get the heart beating faster in anticipation to find out what is waiting for us around the corner. The other, is also a good writer, but creates emotions in us that we don't necessarily express regularly or on a daily basis. The one feeds on our interest in fear thrills and spills where the other fees on our interest for relationships, drama and emotions such as love, hurt, grief, etc.

Naturally, my imagination took it a step further and I imagined the scene when the lights are out and all is locked and silent. I imagined the characters out of Stephen King's novels meeting the characters out of Karen Kingsbury's novels.

What would happen? How would faith clash with evil?What kind of conversations would be had? Would their be a spiritual warfare or just a fiction-filled battle? 

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