Monday 12 August 2013


This past week-end the Ladies in our family, young and old, went away together. No kids, no partners, just the girls. We do this every two years and it is so much fun. We do it to re-connect with each other, spend time together and just bond.

Our lives are so busy and we don't all live close to each so this is our way of not losing touch with each other and to remind us that family is still important in between the differences, arguments. We talk about the things we often shy away from, we play games, take walks and communicate.

Feeling connected with family and friends form part of our support system and keeping close bonds with them help us to face the problems and issues we have in our lives. Knowing that they will be there to pick us up and accept us for who we are. They might not always understand the choices we make and the things we do but they are the very few people who have the ability to love us and really see who we really are.

Another great thing about being well connected with your loved ones is that sometimes just being in their company, not necessarily talking but just being together forms a bond. The ladies in our family is a great example of this as we give each other the space to be alone, whether its just lying on a bed staring into space or reading a novel in the sunlight. We give each other space but also make time to spend doing something together no matter how big or small.

Having connections seemed to be lost in today's time. Families and even siblings aren't as close as they should be. Families today hardly see each other. Of course, sometimes circumstances creates us being disconnected somewhat but that's when we need to get creative and find interesting ways to stay in touch.

Our connections help us also to feel that we are important and really "here". They are our telephone wires and when one has a crack or breaks we start to feel lost and life pressures. It creates stress and sometimes loneliness and depression. 

Don't give up on trying to stay connected. Deep down, we love the feeling of being connected to people.
We want to belong and being connected with family and friends creates this feeling of belonging.


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