Wednesday 21 August 2013

What is going on?

Recently, I have noticed that there have been quite a few deaths of young famous people aged in their twenties and early thirties. What is going on?

I get an image of deep, dark pit where these people are standing at the bottom, some mumbling to themselves, others silently crying and still others screaming with their arms stretch outed begging for the happy people outside, all around them to help them, counsel them, reach them.

It makes me wonder if fame and fortune truly brings happiness or early death or the thought of suicide. It seems many of the young stars suffer from depression as a result of loneliness, drugs, alcohol, etc. Where are their families? Where is the help for them? Is the industry so polluted that even celebs can't even help each other?

I am starting to question if their doctors, therapists, etc really care about them as people, human beings or just like having someone famous as a patient. What is causing their depression and as a result alcohol and drug abuse? What is it about the industry that creates this self loath in them?

For us, the average Joe, we can't seem to understand how people who "have it all" aren't happy, content and just enjoying life. They have access to opportunities some of us only dream of having. For some of us, the thought of having camera everywhere is an invasion of privacy but we could do with some of the fortune.

It's also a great indication of how material things do not create inner peace and fill us with the happiness intended for us. God tells us not to invest in earthly goods and it's sad to think we need reminders like death to keep us on the straight and narrow.

The inventing world around us adds to the materialistic thinking too but offering big, better, faster items like televisions, dvd players, cellphones. Does this give us happiness or create inner peace? I don't think so. These things creates laziness, lack of imagination, thinking and physical symptoms like deafness. They also hinder our ability to communicate and interact effectively with other human beings.

God created us to be communal, to love one another, be of service to others but yet the modern world doesn't always promote this. God wants to shake hands, conversate with each other, help others not facebook, e-mail and what's app each other. God wants us to share His word and love by our actions and thoughts not by the material things around us.

Upon reflection, this blog seems more like a rant than a revelation. And what do I know, I'm still a growing Christian trying to figure where I fit in God's puzzle for us and for me.

Material items might give you happiness for a day, a month, a year but it will never replace of having God's love fill your soul and heart for eternity.

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