Wednesday 4 September 2013

Sacred, special......what's that?

A good number of years ago certain things were not spoken of openly in society. Things like sex, puberty, drugs, etc. Then people started saying that we need to be more open with our children, explain things to them. Then we starting having "the talk", generally telling our teens how their body will change, sex, relationships and how these were big decisions to make.

Back then, the children were young, innocent and willing to gain knowledge, not for use but just for knowledge gain sake.

Now, we have become so open that there really is nothing sacred, special, secret anymore. Sex in a relationship, no matter what the age, has become seen as "normal". I'm even wondering if some people, also young people, think sex forms part of the foundation of forming a long term relationship. It seems sometimes that a relationship without sex is not viewed as a "real" relationship.

It is no longer kept for marriage, love or even that someone special. I think our idea of love has become distorted too. It is quite sad to think something that can experienced wonderfully can be so "commercialized" (not sure if right word but giving it a go). How or when do people start realising that they actually like the person they with and not just physically attracted to them, especially if sex was the beginning basis of the relationship.

I think also the thought pattern is also that sex is not such a big deal especially when contraception is all around, meds easily available when things go wrong. I think many people do believe that there are "quick fixes" for "little" mishaps. Not many take the emotional scars left behind into account. Sex is fun.....right?!

Marriage, too, has just become something to do, just the next step in a long term relationship. Do people still envision actually getting old with their spouse, getting wrinkles and grey as a team? I think to many, marriage is the next step when you get to a certain point in the relationship. I think the thought is "Well, we might as well as we have been together for so long we are practically married". The sacredness and specialness of these vows have also become distorted especially since divorce is so easy to obtain. I know they say "change is as  good as a holiday" but does that include special unions such as marriage.

When did society stop taking these life changing decisions seriously?

We, as a society, are draining the innocence out of our children and replacing it with adult knowledge before they even become adults.

Knowledge is power but how much and by what age?

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