Wednesday 23 October 2013

Achieving, reflections, 2013!!!!

Every year we find ourselves reflecting on it and most times we think of the things we wanted to achieve but didn't. It is rare that we ever reflect on our achievements.

Looking back on my year so far, I am amazed at how much I was able to accomplish in less than a year. I  got my driver's license (finally!!), completed my BA in Counseling, started a writing course (so exciting!) and did the "adult stuff" such as sorted myself financially and did my Will.

I do however, always keep in mind that I am not alone in this. God holds my hand, guides my feet and fills my head and heart with what I need to have achieved these goals and what I will achieve in the future. 

Of course, I didn't accomplish everything I set out to do but honestly, I personally think I have had a busy and great year so far.

It is interesting how much we can do if we commit ourselves to doing it, forcing ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and just try. By doing something small every day towards a goal and/or a bucket list can help you actually achieve it in the end and sometimes without you even realizing it.

So, what have you accomplished so far this year? Even accomplishing one small goal still makes you accomplished. Remember what is an accomplishment for one might not be the same for you but it does not diminish the fact that you have achieved it and/or working towards it.

We are often made to believe that we are only accomplished once we have the mansion on the hill, the expensive car or the big bucks in the bank but this is not true. Achieving something towards your inner happiness, your outlook on life and your spiritual beliefs can be much more important towards being accomplished.

So, I ask you again, what have you achieved? What are going to achieve?

And finally......WELL DONE!

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