Thursday 9 January 2014

Goal Day for 2014

We start off every new year with goals, resolutions and things we would like to do and accomplish but how often do we start off on a positive note and gradually get negative as our goals seem more impossible to achieve as time goes by.

Life happens and before we know it, another years has passed. But how hard are we REALLY trying to achiever our goals and follow our dreams? How committed are we to actually put in the work required to get there?

I am exactly the same. I set my goals and put them up so I can see it daily but certain things on that list start to seem impossible, I get negative and lazy and skip that one to the next one.

So, this year I am going to try a different tactic. This year I am going to have "goal day" every week. I have still set my goals and stuck in my diary but this year I will choose a day during the work week where my focus will be on working towards my goal.

What does this exactly mean?
This means once a week I will be doing something towards achieving my goal whether it is a short term or long term goal. No matter how big or small the task as long as it is related to my goals. It can be things like making a phone call for information, writing for an hour, sending an e-mail, anything that can help. Even popping money into the piggy bank for that overseas trip I dream of!

What do I have to lose right?
I am hoping by doing this, I am able to see progress towards achieving my goals. I am hoping it will help me to be pro active, stay positive and trust in God to help me.'s to GOAL DAY in 2014!

May you all achieve your dreams, increase your faith in God and be blessed in 2014.

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