Thursday 23 January 2014

Which one do you relate to?

Beauty and the Beast (Don't laugh!)

This week I started a counselling course. Well, actually a refresher course. 

We had to think of a story we relate to, freeze a scene from it and draw it. Then we had to go around the room and explain how we associate with one of the characters in the movie. 

As you can see, I chose Beauty and the Beast from the Disney version. I have to say it was quite interesting doing this exercise as you learn a lot about others but also about yourself.

I thought I would write about it, my association, in the hopes that it would make you think. What story do you like? Which character do you associate with? Why? And if you could, would you change the story and if so, how?

I love this movie. I associate with the special relationship created between two people completely opposite to each other. On the one hand, we have the beast, who is angry, miserable, unhappy with himself and on the other hand, we have Beauty, who is ordinary, loves reading, happy and seems to enjoy life. She also seems to make the best of any situation.

This particular scene speaks to me as it represents how I, personally, like to connect with a person's heart or their soul. I try not to judge their outside appearance as many times what is seen outside is nothing what is seen inside a person. I associate with both characters as well as the rose. The rose, to me, represents both of them. The rose is the beauty amongst the beast (i.e. beauty amongst the thorns)

It also reminds me of how as humans we judge people so much by their appearance without getting to know them or giving them a chance to let us in. 

It also taught me to try and not judge too often. To consider the fact that their heart could be very different to their head. It taught me to search for a person's inner beauty, their soul. This will not be easy especially if I encounter someone who I just can't get along with and that, I think is the true test. 

It also reminded me of a Bible verse I highlighted from 1 Samuel 16:7

"People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart."

So.....who are you? how do you view those around you?

The inner will always outshine the outer!

God Bless.

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