Thursday 13 February 2014

REAL love

Valentine’s Day has become such an “important” day to many. It is a day allocated to show your loved one, spouse, partner just how much you love them. Many will say it is just another day which has been commercialised for profit. And then others, especially women (no disrespect intended), is a day where they can use it as a bargaining chip to make their partner watch the “chick” flick he has been avoiding or use to get him to do something you have been trying to get him to do for a while.

On the complete flip side, for some singles, it is a reminder of the possibility of loneliness or to remind you that your love is not being shared as it should be.

But consider this........

How many of us spend time on this day to show love to the person who got you there in the first place? The person who loves you no matter what!

I am talking about God. Without his guidance, his blessings and unconditional love for you, you would not be able to love, hold and care for others. God created your loved one just for you.

Why not take some time this Valentine’s Day to show Him love and thank the one you showered you with the greatest love you will ever feel regardless of whether you have a loved one, spouse or just single.

Take an hour of silence, reading The Love Chapter in the Bible (1 Corinthians 13), reminding yourself of what true, unconditional love should be like and how God showed his unconditional love by giving up His son for us, to save our souls so we can experience the love He has and always will have for us.

As humans we all wish for earthly love and to be given the opportunity to experience love but nothing compares to the love God has for you. For couples, never forget that God created each of you especially for each other and that God laid out the path for you two to find each other.

So this Valentine’s Day, don’t just go through the motions, buying the roses, saying the right things but feel the REAL love behind the love you feel. Remind each other that you don’t need Valentine’s Day to truly love each other, to tell each other how you truly feel and say a prayer together to thank God for the love His has for the both of you and for creating the union in His image.

And for my fellow singles, never feel lonely because you don’t have someone to physically hold because as you read this blog The Holy Trinity is wrapped around your soul, filling your heart with the most tremendous, overwhelming, most powerful love you could ever feel.

A man might love you today and tomorrow but God will love you eternally!

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