Tuesday 25 March 2014

Dressing the right way!

Mind your Mind
(Helmet of Salvation)

Accept God's salvation as your helmet and wear it always. His salvation will help you understand and keep His word in the front of your mind. Always keep it on to protect your mind from evil's tricks and impure thoughts. Never forget his lessons, blessings and Word. Our brain sends messages to the rest of our body and if your mind is filled with God's love, your body will follow.

Pure mind leads to a pure body 
Goodness Me!
(Breastplate of Righteousness)

A breastplate covers our vital organs and that's why God wants us to  try to always have  goodness in us and wants us to always have the desire to do what's right. It makes me wonder why we often get a "nervous" feeling in the pit of our stomach when we are going to do or say something that we know is not good or morally right for us. 

Be good, be righteous
Guard your heart and soul
(Shield of Faith)

  The closer we stay to God the more and more the Holy Spirit fills our heart and soul. The Holy Spirit is our shield of faith. It helps us grow our faith which in turns gives us the strength to keep evil away.

Our faith + God's shield  = Safety

 Hold your pants up
(Belt of Truth)

A belt has an important job to do. It holds our pants up so we don't trip over the hems, so our pants don't fall down and cause humiliation. The belt of truth allows us to walk confidently and strong but also by us always telling the truth there is less chance for us to fall down or trip and be embarrassed by hiding behind lies. So every time you adjust the belt, tug on the buckle......remember....

Honesty is the best policy!

Walk in my shoes

The Lord has placed shoes that he has created on our feet so we can walk in peace. When we follow the Lord's guidance and path he set out for us, we receive His gift of feeling peace as we following our purpose in life. Wearing the shoes the Lord created also gives us the strength to walk in another person's shoes which helps us to find peace among our trials and troubles while understanding another person's.
No matter the shoes you wear, God will always give you peace.

Weapon of Choice
(Sword of the Spirit)

When we think of swords, we often think of knights, wars, battlefields and even a way to protect. Our bible is our sword, our protection and source of knowledge. Reading God's Word gives us power by learning and understanding from history. The Bible also gives us the tools to live the life intended for us, and when we keep it close, we are able to also spread His Word to others. Our bible can help us in times of personal war, experiencing troubles and amongst our private battlefields.

 Knowledge is power and Learning is a blessing!

God has covered us from head to toe in his armor. It is up to us to wear it proudly and share it with others.

Ephesians 6: 10 - 17

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