Friday 16 May 2014

God’s Fruit Basket

Many homes have fruit in a bowl or basket, readily available for everyone to enjoy. We do this as we know fruit is healthy and good for us. It promotes good living. God’s fruits of the Spirit are good for us too. It too promotes a good life.


For most of us, loving our family and friends come easy to us. However, God wants us to love everyone. This is not easy as loving people we don’t know are difficult. We can also find it difficult love our family and friends when they let us down. God wants us to love unconditionally regardless of choices made, lifestyles, colour, etc. He also wants us to love even when we don’t get loved back because God loves us. God loves us unconditionally even when we stray away from Him.


We should feel joy daily because as a Christian, we walk in the presence of God. Believing in God and having faith enables the Holy Spirit to fill us with joy and view each day as blessed gift. God’s joy fills us and we in turn, can share His joy with others.


Walking with God should give us peace but we don’t always feel peaceful. We should have peace in our mind, body and soul. This is also not easy to achieve. There are many things around us that eat at our peace and make us feel restless and uncomfortable. We can find this inner peace by never forgetting that God is in control and holds our hand during the good and bad.


This is a big one, well, for me at least. Being a parent, our patience is tested on a daily basis. We experience this regardless of their ages. As human beings, we become impatient with a lot thing in our lives such as our careers, wealth, relationships and life in general.

The saying “patience is a virtue” is very true as if we can have more and more patience we will start feeling at peace, experiencing God’s joy and love.


We all could do with a bit of kindness. Kindness can be expressed merely by using our manners, “yes ma’am, no ma’am”. I feel good when I have shown kindness especially to someone who seems to be moody and/or rude. Their whole demeanour changes when you use manners to show your appreciation. Most times they will actually look up and smile at you.

Kindness should always be shown even if you think the person doesn’t deserve it. I try to make it a habit as I feel it’s a great habit to have. I don’t think kindness is earned, it is felt and expressed. Kindness changes the other person’s perception of you.

Our God is a kind God who shows mercy and He wants us to be kind as he has been kind to us.


This could mean different things. Goodness could be that you are a genuinely good person. You respect and help others. You are positive and believe in yourself and others.

Goodness could also mean morals. It could be a person who has good morals and values and is not embarrassed to share them with others. Goodness is what you feel inside yourself, how you possibly conduct yourself.  I think goodness can be felt naturally and I think that it could also relate to the decisions we make.


Having faith is believing in the unseen as mentioned in Hebrews 11:1-2. We always tell each other to keep the faith but what does that really mean. This means having faith in God that He will create the outcome that’s right for us. We forget that God is our Father and we are his children hence the fact that sometimes we don’t like his decisions even if deep down we know it’s good for us.

Faith believes in the good of people, believing in ourselves that we can get through with God’s help. Faith believes that our family and friends will be there for us no matter what decisions we make and what happens.

The faith we have in God is the faith He places in us.


To be gentle is to respect others and not to be rude on purpose. Being gentle and caring shows good character and reflects a part of your personality. It is not weak to be gentle as it shows that you have the ability to consider everything around you.

I think gentleness can also encourage kindness, patience and love. God wants us to treat others as we would like to be treated.


Self-control is another big hurdle for many of us. God wants us to practice self-control in all situations and this is not always easy. Anger is due to a lack of self-control. Self-control is also related to sin as if we practice self-control there is less opportunity to sin.

It is also a personal choice. You have the free will to decide to show self-control or lose control and possibly hurt those around you.

We should allow ourselves to feel emotions such as anger but it is want we do with it that shows our self-control. We can also practice self-control when it comes to alcohol, partying and relationships.

Self-control is also God often testing our patience, faithfulness and goodness.

The wonderful thing about God’s fruit basket is that it never empties. No matter how many times we use the fruits of the Spirit, God always tops up the basket so we never run out.

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