Thursday 8 May 2014

Staying in tune

Doctors, therapists etc keep telling us to listen to our bodies. They tell us to take note when our body changes or feels differently because our body is trying to tell us that something is not necessarily right.

Many of us heed this advice, for example, when we keep getting headaches, we consider having our eyes tested, maybe stress is the cause and/or eventually go for a check up. Another example is when our muscles pain after exercising for a while, we consider reducing or stopping exercising for a while or soak our muscles. Our body talks...we listen.

We can listen to our bodies yet we find it difficult to stay in tune and listen to God.

We notice God's works around us and we all definitely notice when he answers our prayers the why we wanted but we don't always listen.

In this regard we are like children. As parents, sometimes you feel you tell your child to listen to you more than you hug them. Aren't we sometimes like that when God talks? Like children, we only hear what we want to hear, what we like to hear and the answer we are waiting to hear. However, we don't like to hear things God wants us to hear, wants us to learn and many times we could be missing out on great works in our life.

I sometimes wonder if God is like us earthly parents, asking if our ears work or if they are ornaments. Moaning to the angels if we ever hear Him or if we also have selective hearing like our children. do we stay in tune with God?

I think we can do this by being SILENT. Finding a comfortable space, praying to ask God to speak to us in our silence.

We are always encouraged to talk to God which I fully agree with but maybe sometimes that is all we do. Talk, talk, talk and forget to be quiet, just listen.

In our silence God could give and show us important messages, lay our next step on our hearts and breath His love and grace onto us and give us the confidence we need to take HIS next step for us.


We listen to our body now take the time to listen to the One who created it.

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