Monday 7 July 2014

Professional brainstorming?

People keep telling me that I have good ideas or good advice when having random chats about others dreams, goals and ideas. It got me there such a thing as a professional brainstormer? Of course, when I said it out loud to myself, I ended up laughing too because who would pay for my time to bounce or discuss ideas around a table to help someone improve a business or start a business. Then I started thinking about it seriously.

Brainstorming is discussing ideas or goals and then coming up with suggestions on how to achieve these goals. Is this the same thing as being a counselor or life coach? 

Sometimes people need another person's "fresh" outlook or perspective of what they think could be a good idea. Sometimes people miss some pros and/or cons regarding their idea. This is where a "brainstormer" could also come in.

So this brief blog this week, is to ask...
What do you think? 
Do you think businesses and/or aspiring business owners would use a service like this?

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