Wednesday 23 July 2014

What's in your box?

In the Bible, Jews tied small leather boxes to their foreheads and left arms. It was a box of scripture.

Always remember these commands I give you today. 
Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 
Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. 
Tie them on your forehead to remind you....
Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 8

In Scripture, God asks us to keep His word and commands in the front of our minds always. He wants us to remember His word because remembering His word will help us live the life He intended. 

On my desk at work, I have a small box of scripture I received as a gift. Every Monday I randomly select a Scripture verse and lean it against my PC speaker and throughout the week, I read it. 

Have I managed to memorise it by the end of the week? With this brain, but I do pray and believe that I have either learnt something or been reminded of something which in turn helps me to live better and behave better. I also hope that it reminds me of God's love and power happening in my life.

I find it interesting that they wore their box of scriptures on their forehead and left arms. It was worn on their foreheads to remind them (i.e. in their memory) and keep the scripture close to the front of their minds. Even back then, Scripture held a special meaning for each person that wore it. I also found it interesting it was worn on their left arms because your left arm is  closest to your heart. Scripture should always be in our hearts and our minds. Even the Jews learnt that simple rule. 

Imagine if we walked around today wearing a small box on our forehead and/or on our left arm. Imagine going up to someone who is wearing one and asking them what's in their box of Scripture? Wouldn't we be conveying the right message to others? Wouldn't it be a great way to discuss God's word?  Wouldn't it be a great way to learn from each other and show love towards each other?

So...why don't we? Each one of us has a "life motto" or a Scripture verse which as a special meaning to us. Let's try to keep that in the front of our minds and on our left arm (i.e. wearing your heart on your sleeve). Let's ask God to give us the confidence to share this with others.

So what will be in your box? 
Will you wear it and live it in your heart and in your mind?

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