Thursday 11 September 2014

"I loved you before I met you"

A very popular song has the words "I loved you before I met you". This verse says "commitment and love" to us. Do you know that someone is committed to you? Do you know that someone does love you?

Commitment defined is "the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc." Synonyms are dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity and bond.

When we get married or attend a wedding, we are reminded that we need to be committed to our partners until death parts us. This means that we need to be loyal and faithful. It means we should honour our fidelity and that we are bonded in love and life. This is not always easy as the people around us as well as our spouses often let us down in these areas. 

But...have you realised that God is fully committed to you unconditionally and eternally?
2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful, because he cannot be false to himself". This tells us that God can't be anything but faithful to us because when we accepted Him into our life, He committed Himself to us as much, if not more that we committed ourselves to Him.

How often do we slip up in our commitment to God? 
Imagine if God felt let down every time we slipped up in our loyalty, faith and bond with Him.
Think back to how you treated the person after knowing they let you down. Now, imagine if God treated you that way. How would you feel? How often would He do it?

I'm not trying to make you feel guilty but just want you to think about it. God is a forgiving God so why can't we forgive those who trespass against us. I am not saying it's ever easy and I am not saying I get this right in my own life but how would we feel if we did? Would we experience less anger and bitterness? 

So....How committed to Him are you?
God wants us to love Him before we get to meet Him face to face. Like when we marry one, we walk in the blind faith that he/she will stay committed to us no matter what, and so God asks the same of us. He too wants us to walk with  Him with blind faith, knowing that He is committed to help us live the life He intended for us. For every mountain we climb, God is there with us, pushing from behind, urging us not to give up on Him and keep moving towards His promises.

Every time you kneel, never forget that even though those around you might be disloyal or seem uncommitted at times, BE SURE that God is fully committed, loyal and dedicated to you. You are bound to Him in Jesus' blood and nothing can break that bond.

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