Friday 10 October 2014

Flows softly, Hits hard

Water can flow gently like when the  tide trickles in over the sand but the water further into the sea can capsize a boat, over turn a surfer, hits hard like a wall.

I think, as our parent God can be the same for us. When we listen to His voice and obey His commands, His love flows through us gently, the Holy Spirit fills us like water fills a glass. But when we do wrong, God can punish us and then His love hits us like big waves, hard as rock.

We all need water to live. All creation needs water to survive. We also need God, the Living water, to be truly alive. When we drink a glass of water, it fills us, quenches our thirst and makes us feel refreshed. In John 4: 13, Jesus tells us that "everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life." God does the same for us.

When water sets it becomes hard, turning into ice. Ice is tough to break and can only be chipped away with a sharp object, like a ice pick. Today, sculptures are made out of ice. The artist chips away at the ice, chipping in specific directions and once completed, you are left with a masterpiece of art for everyone to enjoy. God's saving grace, to me, is quite similar. Some of us, before accepting God into our life, had a cold, hard exterior but God, who never gives up on us, keeps chipping away in different, specific directions until He is left with someone who He knows He created beautifully inside and out, for all around to love and enjoy.

Water is soft yet hard enough to hold up Jesus as He walked on the sea. Jesus had faith that the water could hold him but Peter doubted, he lacked faith (Matt. 14: 22 - 36). Aren't we like Peter? God is our water who does have the strength to hold us up but many times we doubt our faith and we fall to the bottom of our water filled glass, struggling to get up. But if we keep drinking God's living water, we too will be able to stay above the surface.

 If Jesus could turn water into wine at a wedding feast, imagine what God can bestow upon you!

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