Wednesday 5 November 2014

Two Houses, Two Doors, Two People

I stand in the middle of the street, looking up. On the vast incline, in front of me stand two houses, two doors, and two people.

On the left is a woman who lives in a house with seven columns. She likes to entertain people and regularly prepares her food and wine. She sets her table and tells her servant girls to go out the house and shout to the city below, “Come in here, you uneducated people! Come and eat my food and drink the wine I have prepared. Stop your foolish ways and you will live; take the road of understanding.”

Whether they listen or not, no one makes fun of her as she always finds a way to insult them among the people. She will often tell you not to correct those who make fun of her as they will hate you. She tells you to correct those who have knowledge and they will love you.

She likes to teach and teaches the knowledgeable so they will gain more. She teaches good people so they will lean more on her.

It is said that she begins by respecting the Lord and her understanding begins with knowing the Holy One.

Out of her big window, she talks just loud enough to be heard and to anyone who will listen, “Live wisely and you will live long. Knowledge will add years to your life. I will reward those you are knowledgeable but those who make fun of it will suffer”.

I watch the people around me, some listen, some ignore and some, like me, stand deciding. I find myself listening often to these words; the words to my left and the words to my right.

On my right is yet another who shouts to the people below. She is loud and possesses no knowledge. She, unlike the other, sits at the door of her house, shouting aimlessly, also to anyone who will listen below “Come in, you foolish people! My stolen water is sweeter, and food eaten in secret tastes better”.

There are no servant girls who shout for her, just her lazily sitting on her chair, always loud and rambunctious. Her ways seem to entice many.

I watch often and notice that the people that enter in this door never come out. This choice often leaves them deep in despair or in the grave.

On the left lives Wisdom, who is always prepared to share, to teach and help people gain understanding.

On the right lives Foolishness, who only shares to gain whatever she can from others for her own selfish gain.

Is good vs. evil, God vs. Devil not the same?

God wants us to learn from Him, gain knowledge, prepare ourselves for his blessings and then share them with others. When we do good things, we can feel the impact it has in ourselves as a person. It makes us warm inside and makes us smile outside.

The Devil entices us to short cuts, easy “way outs” so he can then turn it around use us for his own enjoyment and gain. Evil makes us feel powerful but for how long? Eventually we either get caught or the feeling of emptiness returns.

In our life, we often have difficult decisions to make; we too have voices to our right and our left ear, telling us which way to turn. Would it help if, in our minds, we were standing in the street, looking and listening to the houses on the incline?

Which door would you choose - Lady Wisdom or Lewd Foolishness?

Proverb 9

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