Wednesday 21 January 2015

Happy and loved while being alone and single

Since when did being alone or single become a bad thing?

It seems lately that people around me don't want to see me alone anymore but I don't feel alone. To me, being alone or single is not a bad thing. I don't feel sorry for myself or feel I need a partner to be complete. I don't need a "Jerry Maguire" to "complete me".

Yes, I know that they just want to see me loved and happy but who says I'm not loved and I'm not happy.
I also love the fact that they have such great love and wishes for me to want this.

It also got me thinking....since when is God's love not enough to fill us with complete love and happiness to makes us feel that we need to have a partner. I also wonder if people realise that you can also feel completely alone even in a partnership.

Right now, I am happy being single. I love the fact that I can go out, have fun and don't need to have someone next to me to do it. I get so much love from around me, from family and friends, that being single is not an issue for me. I am so blessed and I feel loved everyday.

And to be more honest, sometimes having a partner to me feels like having another child to look after and almost another "job" to do. I don't have the patience for this and I also feel I need to be a bit more selfish and do things that make me happy.  It's time for me to look after me and accomplish things I want to do.

"I will give her peace that will flow to her like a river."
"I will comfort you as a mother comforts her child."  
"When you see these things, you will be happy and you will grow like the grass." 
Is. 66: 12 - 14

God's love sustains me and keeps me company more than many know. My faith gives me reasons to smile, to laugh and to be silly sometimes.

If it's His will, God will send me the person He chooses at His right time to me and all I can ask from those around me is that they pray that my eyes and my heart will be open to receive God's blessing for me.

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