Thursday 7 May 2015

The Mother's Mystery

May is the month for Moms and it got me thinking about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. As a Mother, we always say we have the best and hardest job around. Being a Mother, is a selfless, tiring, rewarding and loving role. Our grey hairs and wrinkles are earned by raising our children, loving our spouses and often forgetting about ourselves in the process.

I wonder how Mary must have felt. How honoured and scared she could have felt, knowing that God, our creator gave her the responsibility of carrying Jesus and then raising Him. I would be overwhelmed and terrified. When you are pregnant, you naturally worry about staying healthy and growing a healthy child in your womb. Now add to that the fact that you are carrying the only person who can save mankind. Overwhelmed yet?

So what is a Mother's Mystery? It is the mystery of Mary, our Mother of Jesus.

A Mother smiles at her child no matter how that child has hurt her. A Mother judges herself as a parent regularly but doesn't show that disappointment in herself because to a Mother, weakness is often not an option. Like Mary, a Mother keeps a lot of her emotion inside while still sharing other emotions like love, faith and hope with her family. Like Mary, I'm sure, sheds tears in hiding, never wanting to let others down, never wanting to cause others heartache.

A Mother's love doesn't compare to other love. A Mother's hug always feels right, taking your pain or hurt away. The scent of a Mother can give comfort and relieve stress. The touch of a Mother reassures and gives hope.

Like Mary, we are raising God's children and with that comes the overwhelming task of doing it right, not knowing where God will take them, when He will take them and if we will be with them.

God gave us Mary to show us, Mothers how to love unconditionally regardless of what happens. How to be compassionate and gentle. How to always walk in faith while still being able to shed a tear, feel heartache and grief.

To be a Mother is to be like Mary. Not always in the front but always there.

My child, listen to your father's teaching
and do not forget your mother's advice.
Prov 1: 8

Happy Mother's Day!
May God continue to bless you. 

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