Thursday 11 June 2015

My Patch, My Tailor

Minor Burn, Car breaking down, missing hamster, lack of writing words and work issues in less than a month – people call it “Life”, I call it “A Rough Patch”.

Lately, I have been going through a really rough patch and I am still in it. It also got me this God working in me, with me, trying to teach me a lesson or remind me of something I have forgotten? it the Devil, trying to get me on his side, tempting me to do things I know deep down is wrong in the eyes of my Lord? But one thing I know for sure is if it is the Devil, he ain’t gonna win!!!

It also got me thinking about an actual cloth patch. What is a patch used for? You rip your favourite pair of jeans. Those jeans that fit you perfectly, feel great and you don’t want to get rid of. So you decide to patch it. A piece of material is cut to fit past the rip and then you sew it. If you run your fingers over the patch you can feel the rough cotton and the smooth material. From the front, the patch looks completely smooth yet the rip edges are rough and visible but it is sealed. The patch is there so you are not exposed (or a body part at least).

In life, what is a rough patch used for? For me, it is clearly to make me re-look at things, reflect and consider changing things. Yes, it gets me down, makes me tired, stressed and then I go to training – my escape, my release. But like most things in life, you can run away but at some point you have to return and face it head on.

What does God tells us about rough patches? Aren’t we a rough patch in His eyes? Maybe because we are rough patches, we experience them as gentle reminders that this life is short and material things no matter how we might need them aren’t as important as nurturing our relationship with God.  How many times has God “patched” us up?

In the Bible, it tells us that we are the clay and God is our potter but for the sake of this post, I also like to think that we are God’s favourite pair of jeans and God is our tailor. He tailor made each of us and like me, I am sure that many of us have caused tears in His material. But being the loving God He is, he cuts a patch out of His material and gently weaves the cotton through our pain and suffering, patching us up so we are not exposed anymore.

It also makes me wonder, how many times we have “ripped” open the same patches and how God never complaining, always teaching, keeps weaving the cotton, healing us, sealing us in His protection and love.  He continues to wrap us up in His royal silk.

So in closing, I might be going through a rough patch but I dwell on the thought that even though I don’t understand why (at this moment), I know that God, my tailor, is threading His glorious needle, getting ready to weave His cotton and “patch” me up...yet again.

He is YOUR Father and Maker,
Who made you and formed you.
Deut. 32:6

(and won’t stop patching you up)

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