Tuesday 21 July 2015

Silence is.....

Silence is…….Golden.

We need silence to relax our mind, our body and our spirit. It is important that we have silence regularly to give us the time and space to listen to God talking to us. God’s presence brings us peace and complete calm physically and mentally. In our silence, God can truly reward us and be with us.

It is good to wait quietly for the Lord to save
Lamentations 3:26

In our silence, we are relaxed and we are able to truly feel God’s presence and His embrace by sitting still, our mind clear, our spirit calm. We are able to truly feel God’s arms wrap around us in His eternal Fatherly love. We can feel the Holy Spirit’s warmth course through our veins.

You only need to remain calm;
the Lord will fight for you
Exodus 14:14

Eerily effective
Sometimes silence can seem scary to us as we hate being left alone with our own, private thoughts but we need it. The silence helps us reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. The eeriness and overwhelming presence of God opens our eyes and our ears to receive and see His message clearly and without interference.

I find rest in God;
Only he gives me hope.
Psalm 62:5

We need it. We need silence. Silence is our solitude and saving grace. We need it to survive, to strengthen our soul, to relieve the stress from our busy lives, to stay sane. Silence is necessary to remind us of what is important in life, what we want out of life and to ask God to guide us in the His direction.

He should sit alone and be quiet;
the Lord has given him hard work to do
Lamentations 3:28

Silence teaches us to be patient, to embrace our relationship with God and to realise our blessings and be grateful for them. Silence teaches us how to be with ourselves, how to relax and how to enjoy simple moments in life. Silence teaches acceptance, reality and about our faith journey. Silence helps us to be in tune with our spiritual side and realise God’s love, faith and hope in us.

Even fools seem to be wise if they keep quiet;
if they don’t speak they appear to understand.
Proverbs 17:28

Silence is…golden.
To some, it can be a blessing or a curse. Silence is valuable and free. Silence is what God uses to be with us in prayer, in presence and in prosperity. Sit still and be with God. Let Him use it to realise your importance, His love for you, to fear Him, to realise your necessity to Him and to teach the many wonderful things He has in store for you.

God says, “Be quiet and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

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