Thursday 13 August 2015

Perfect, period!

This is a humorous article specially written by a lady for the ladies. Gents, if you dare, read on.

I keep wondering why, when it’s our seven-day monthly special, men seem to find us so attractive, cute and sensual. So, I thought I would ponder on it awhile and give it a bit more thought.

Let’s be real here ladies. This is one of the times during the month where we feel bloated, unsexy and hate the thought of pampering any part of us. Our clothes seem too tight on us, our hair won’t flow the way we want it and frankly we are just not comfortable in any way. These seven days are our “leave me alone” and “I need chocolate” days. But yet, our husbands, boyfriends and men in general, notice us, give us the time of day, compliment us and generally seem to levitate towards us.

Have you ever noticed that after these seven days, their attention is not as strong as it was during them? They can smell those seven day hormones miles away.

And then I had a light bulb moment. God is great and even when we are feeling down and dirty, He uses it for the greater good. We just haven’t realized it! Now, you are wondering how on earth, can this be possible.

But think about it, we spend most of our time, trying to look and feel younger, sexier, and thinner, etc. Convincing ourselves, if we dress this way or wear this make-up, we can have their attention every day, all day.  If we exercise more, pamper ourselves more, they will listen more, do more, etc.

Well, ladies, I think God made us perfect every day regardless of the material items we think we need and/or the shape we’re in but let’s get adventurous.  He gave us seven days to flaunt our faith and figures in a respectful and self-honoring way!

Let’s use our hormones to encourage our fellow ladies to keep feeling positive about ourselves, sexy in our sexuality and down-right beautiful in our God given bodies!

Men don’t need to touch us to remind us and let’s be honest during those seven days he’s got no chance but let’s flaunt our natural beauty, our personality for God because He created us in His image and man, do you all look good! His blessings and our personalities shine through, spreading His love all around. 

So, let’s take our “ugly” seven days and turn them into our “proudly perfect” days because God didn’t make mistakes and He has given us seven days to show the world. You don’t need extras like heels, make-up and perfume on these days. All you need to do is flaunt your faith by being NATURALLY YOU!

Why wait for August to be Women’s month to flaunt it! Once a week, once a month is our time to shine!

You made my whole being;
You formed me in my mother’s body.
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way
Ps. 139:13-14

PS: And for our dear ladies, who have done their time with this “milestone”, use those hot flushes to make the young men think they have the right stuff! It’s our secret, go on – have faithful fun! You are perfect in God’s eyes after all!

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