Friday 9 October 2015

The Nerd in the Herd

Centuries ago, he walked this earth, in his flowing robe and his weathered sandals. No doubt his feet were dirty and his hair unkept. I can only imagine that he wasn't one of the most fashionable people. He wasn't the latest trend but he was being followed. He was the "Nerd" in the Herd. This man was Jesus.

If Jesus walked the earth today, he would still be ridiculed, insulted and bullied. We would doubt his "power" and know that he wouldn't be in the "popular" group. But he would still be important.

Bullying has been around a lot longer than we realise. Today, it is more widespread as we have the internet. Bullies are found in our homes, in our schools and in our workplace.The results of being bullied can be life-lasting and affects every area of our life.

The sad thing about it is a lot of the time, the bully is also a victim and in need of more help. A bully is often someone who is being abused elsewhere, has self esteem issues and even behavourial issues. A bully transfers their problem onto others as they have not been given the skills or space to express their emotions in a healthy and safe manner.

Bottom line, bullying in any shape or form is unacceptable. And it seems to be getting worse. This makes me think of Jesus. Jesus walked around to different places talking to people that others wouldn't necessarily approach. He told odd stories that not many could understand and he did miracles that people only believed if they saw it. Jesus must have had people bullying him through hurtful words and in the end, got physically bullied and abused yet God used His Son in the most powerful way ever. Jesus gave us the living word as told by others and God sacrificed Jesus to save us.

Jesus was a victim of bullies and God lifted Him up and did great things through Him. I find it fascinating too that even today, God uses a lot of victims of bullies to become great people who do great things. "Nerds" today become our famous scientists of tomorrow, presidents of the future and inventors of all time. Odd, bullied people often gain the strength the bully actually never gets by not giving up and knowing that there will come a day where their suffering will be their saving. those who get bullied, feeling often alone and like no one cares, believe me when I say, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You are also a "nerd" in the herd, and like Jesus you might be ridiculed but this does not have to shape who you are. Jesus walked in the victim's shoes and He walks alongside you today, wearing those same shoes.  Talk to him...he listens, he knows, he understands.

Jesus did have people that believed in Him and I am sure you too have people around you who truly believe in you and love you for being the "nerd" in the herd. Trust in God to use you for great things as a person not a victim!

And to those who bully, YOU TOO ARE NOT ALONE. May God help you to see you need His help as much as the person you pick on, if not more. Don't let other people cause you to be a bully. Stand up for yourself in a healthy manner and if you can't, ask for help and keep asking until someone does. If you feel like no one loves you or understands you, know this that GOD loves you, GOD hears you and God understands you completely and unconditionally!

He too has great things planned for you. It's up to you to allow Him to help you change and trust Him to work in your life.

God always sends someone in our path to guide us, lead us and help us succeed. You just have to open your heart, your mind and your soul to receive them.

Show respect for all people: Love the brothers and sisters of God's family, 
respect God, honor the King.
1 Peter 2:17
...but answer in a gentle way and with respect.
Keep a clear conscience so that those who speak evil of your good life 
in Christ will be ashamed.
1 Peter 3:16

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