Thursday 15 October 2015

The Power of Aslan

How many times, do we feel like we are trapped and in a very dark place or space? How many times has Satan or one of his followers whispered into our ear, promising us all the desires of our heart?

On the 8th October 2015, I went to see the production of "The Silver Chair", the sixth book in the Narnia series by C.S.  Lewis. I finally saw what it meant to me as a Christian. The message I received was very clear to me during it.

It became so clear to me that sometimes Satan whispers in our ear promising bigger and better things. Power, money, status. Things that we think we can't get for ourselves by asking and trusting God. And the more and louder he whispers, the more we believe until it's too late and we find ourselves, like the lost prince, underground in a dark space waiting for the whispered dreams to be fulfilled. You also become enchanted and under his spell, no longer hearing God's voice. The lost prince, too could no longer feel Aslan's presence or hear his voice.

In Narnia, Aslan sends two chosen children to save the enchanted prince. Have you ever met people along your path? Have they tried to save you? Is it possible that God sent them?

God, whether we realise it or not, does send special people to bring us back to His love and power and once again, the right, intended bigger and better things start to occur in our life.

Following God helps us to bring us out of our dark place and into the light. Like the power of Aslan, the power of God helps us to see His creation around us as profound and a blessing.

Narnia is a wondrous place filled with mountains, blue skies, fluffy white clouds and green grass. All creation around Aslan bow to him, knowing that he is their God and Saviour. They walk with him in faith and grace, knowing that no other loves and cares for them as much as he does.

Do you see Narnia around you? Do you know the power of God working in your life today?
Do you know that God loves and cares for you more than anyone can?

Or are you still like the lost prince, too enchanted and trapped to look up towards God's light? God will wait for you and he will never leave, nor forsake you.

Lord, because I am poor and helpless,
please remember me.
You are my helper and Savior.
My God, do not wait.
Ps. 40:17


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