Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Fence

Image result for fences 
Did you ever sit on a fence or a narrow wall and just looked around? The world is all around you but every fence has two sides. Generally, one side is to keep things in and the other side is the rest of the world, the  great outdoors.

A fence is like many decisions we are faced with in our life. We can either choose the option which keeps things simple, protected or we can step out of our comfort zone and take a risk, not always knowing what will happen.

Like a fence, you can't really say whether it's backwards or forwards because it depends which way you are facing while sitting on the fence.

How often have you wondered if you could just stay on the fence, undecided, but life, as we know it, doesn't allow it because something or someone will come along forcing us to decide. I think, what makes sitting on the fence confusing, is that many times both sides and all around looks good, promising.

Who makes us climb onto that fence? Who makes us sit there what seems like many hours considering the choices we have?

God puts us there.

God knows which side we need  to follow but God loves us and gives us the gift of free will which means it is  up to us. But we are not alone on that ledge. You are surrounded by the Holy Trinity. Jesus sits on your left, the Holy Spirit on the right and God is above, all coaching you, nudging you in His direction.

God waits until He can't wait anymore and that's often when something or someone comes along to help us make a decision.

Sometimes God keeps putting us back on the fence, waiting until we finally get it and sometimes He just leaves us there for a good while wanting us to look around and embrace, love, enjoy and be grateful for the life He blessed us with.

So, if you find yourself sitting on the fence trying to figure out what to do, remember to look to your left, your right and above. Talk to them because they are the only trusting voices you need to hear and obey. God didn't say it would be easy. He just said believe in Me. God put you there, let Him give you what you need to jump off and walk with Him.

Whether we pick the right side of the fence, just remember that God can always turn a wrong into a right!

Trust the Lord with all your heart,
and don't depend on your own understanding.
Prov. 3:5

Whoever listens to what is taught will succeed, 
and whoever trusts the Lord will be happy.
Prov. 16:20 

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