Tuesday 12 April 2016

My Judging Jabber

When did we become so judgemental? When did we start thinking freedom of speech meant the freedom to judge others?

In today's world, it seems we spend our time trying to be better than others by bringing them down and saying whatever we want whenever we want without thinking about how it might affect others beforehand. Are we so insecure as individuals that we feel the need to better our egos by destroying another person's ego?

Would God want us to do this? When He gave us free will, is this what He expects from us? I don't think so.

God says we should treat our neighbour as we wish to be treated and to love our family as well as our enemies. This means that we don't necessarily have to like the person but we do have to express Godly love towards them whether we want to or not. God encourages us to respect each other regardless of sins, personality, habits, etc.

No one on earth as the right to judge. Yes, we are allowed an opinion but the question is,  do we ask the person if they want our opinion and then respond accordingly or do we not even bother having manners to ask, and just blurt whatever we wish.

The only person who has the right to judge is God and even then, our opinion doesn't matter because God knows and sees all and when He judges He does knowing the WHOLE person and not snippets like we do.

When are we going to start seeing a person's heart before seeing the rest of the person?
It is interesting how we can forget the judgements we had once we get to really know the person behind them. If only, we could see the person before seeing the judgements.

I know it's not easy but don't stop trying. 

Don't judge other people, or you will be judged. 
You will be judged in the same way that you judge others,
and the amount you give to others will be given to you. 
Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your friend's eye, 
but you don't notice the big piece of wood in your own eye?
Matthew 7: 1-3 

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