Wednesday 30 March 2016

Letter to a Little Girl

Dear Little Girl,

I didn't know you and had never met you before but last week, you came into my life. I was honoured with the request by someone who did know you to write a poem for you and your family at your funeral. All I knew about you was that you were 8 years old and died from heart failure, and that you were always smiling.

As I sat on my bed, my mind went blank as I thought, how was I going to write a meaningful poem about someone I didn't know. And then, I remembered God created you and took you so I turned to Him. I laid my pen down and asked God to give me the words to honour you but give your family some comfort with your passing.

I heard that they all loved the poem and thought it was beautiful. As you looked down and listened with God, I pray you too felt their love for you.

And so, I realised I didn't need to know you to write for you because God knew you, loved you, created you and clearly needed you more in His house than here on earth.

Maybe one day we will meet and I hope you don't mind but I am sharing your poem with the world today.

Thank you Lord for giving me words that brought comfort to others. 

Here it goes....

Don’t cry too long for me

The sun won’t shine for me again,
Nor will I feel the drops of rain
But please don’t be sad and cry too long for me
My heart is finally healed and I am where I was created to be.

God has welcomed me into His place
God has kept me a Holy space

My heart now warms the clouds in the sky
And my smile spreads as the breeze blows by
Thank you for all you have done
Look for me in the sun

But please don’t be sad and cry too long for me
My heart is finally healed and I am where I was created to be.

The death of one that belongs to the Lord
is precious in his sight.
Psalm 116:15

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