Thursday 24 March 2016

More Slo-Mo, less Catch up

Life has caught up with me and I thought I had written at least one blog this month but as I realised I hadn't. Have you ever had moments where you feel like you are playing "catch up" because you have been so busy and/or focused on other things. Luckily for me, I've been doing things that I am passionate about which means a happier me.

I wonder if God ever plays catch up with us when directing us on the path He has laid out for us. I get an image of me racing along at a "fast-ish" jog on a path and behind is this aged yet vibrant man trying to catch up with me. I wonder what He would say if He does? Maybe something like..."Hey, slow down, take note, enjoy"
Would I stop? Would I listen? or think Weirdo and increase my speed (if I can!).

Every year at Easter, we are reminded to focus on the Passion of Christ. The sacrifice that was made for us. Easter week-end also tends to get very busy and filled with family gatherings, shopping and  a little bit like the Christmas rush.

This week-end, I urge you to stop being like a "DSTV Explora" playing catch up and be more like the "Slo-Mo" button and slow down, take note and enjoy the time for reflection on God's gift to us, creating lasting memories with family and friends.

Lastly, I wish you all a great Easter. May God keep you safe if you are traveling and most of all, God bless you all this "slow" week-end.

 Image result for happy easter clipart                                                    Image result for happy easter clipart

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