Friday 26 February 2016

Between Sundays

I have just finished reading "Between Sundays" by Karen Kingsbury and it really got me pondering on how important between Sundays are. I recommend everyone grab a copy and read this novel.

Each Sunday we sit in church, singing, nodding and smiling at everything our priest says and reads, acknowledging what God expects from us but how serious do we take it? Do we consciously make the effort to try or do we often use the excuse "I don't think this week's message was meant for me".

What happens after Sunday? This novel is about teaching a famous football player about the importance of having God in his life but also how important between Sundays are.

As believers, we think we are doing our best to be more like Jesus in the way we conduct ourselves, treat others and our general being but how important is it to us? Are we keeping it front of mind at all times? I don't think so.

Bottom line, as in the novel, the saying goes: What you do between Sundays is more important!

In other words, yes, it's great that we praise and visit with God every Sunday, learning and listening but it's what we do when we are not in church that really counts. It is how we conduct ourselves outside in front of others. That's what God really wants! He wants us to show others how great He truly is.

What's the point of smiling, singing and nodding on Sunday if we don't keep it going from Monday to Saturday as well? How do we expect others to believe in our God, find comfort in knowing Him if we aren't expressing our saving grace through our words, our actions, our morals and values.

Never forget that the smallest act could mean everything to someone. God didn't make us all preachers but He did give us what we need to make a difference in any size.

So, I urge you this Sunday, when you sit and pray in church to ask God to help you be more like Jesus where it counts.....BETWEEN SUNDAYS.

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