Monday 8 February 2016

Capital Letters

In the English language, we learn that any word that has a Capital Letter is naming something. And in many cases, that something is important and to be noted as it has a title, a name, belonging to something or someone.

My name, your name is important. Our names are written with a Capital Letter. When reading my Bible for my writing, I noticed something I found very interesting. I read the scripture when Jesus was tempted by the devil. When we write about the devil, we often give his name a Capital but in the Bible, his name is not written with a Capital “D”. So, what is that telling us?

Well, it is telling us that first of all, the devil doesn’t deserve having a capital letter in his name. It also tells us that he has no place in our life. His name is not as important as yours or mine. God gave us parents who named us with a Capital Letter. We are important, to be noted, to belong.

The devil clearly not having a capital tells us that even the people who wrote our scriptures don’t see him as important, be noted or belong anywhere in our life. God doesn’t see him as important anymore. The devil tempts us, urging us to sin and for whatever reason, we often allow his temptation to win us over.  But he doesn’t deserve our weakness and even our sin.

Who gave him a Capital in our life? Who made him important in our life? Who made me noticeable?  Who made him belong in our life? I did, you did, and we did. And he doesn’t deserve it!

But then you debate with me and say, “Okay, but the word “Satan” is written with a capital letter and I reply, ‘Yes, you are right’. And here is why. Because like I’ve mentioned before, Satan is important, should be noted and does belong.

Huh! Satan is importantly unimportant in our Christian life. Important because we need to remember that he is not important, is unnoticeably noticed and doesn’t belong anywhere in our life yet he seems to belong because he tempts us regularly. God wants us to know about Satan so we can be appear of how he can affect our life God has given us and how to not be tempted by the empty promises and lies.

Don’t allow the devil to gain a Capital Letter in your life! Don’t let the devil become important, noticeable! Don’t allow him to belong in your life!

There is only one person consisting of three people that has the right to have a Capital in our life. That one is God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all have capital letters in the Bible which tells us they deserve capitals in our life too.

Allow God to be important in your life, allow Jesus to be noticeable in your life and allow the Holy Spirit to belong in your life.

We all get tempted in our life but remember like the devil, the word “temptation” doesn’t have a capital in the Bible either.

So give yourselves completely to God.
Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you.
James 4:7 

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