Thursday 18 February 2016's a secret!

  Sssh....I can't tell you, it's a secret sin. 

This week, two words keep popping into my head. SECRET SIN.

Sin is all around us and as much as we try not to sin, we do. God is our Father and like all parents, He wants us to be perfect. But unfortunately, like our parents tell us, we can't always get what we want.

Do you have a secret sin?
I do. And no, I'm not telling.

Why do we keep it a secret?
Deep down, we know we shouldn't and most times when we are aware of it we feel guilt, humiliation and shame in secret. Let's be honest, we also think that those around us can see our secret sin but they can't unless we tell them.

Should we keep it a secret?
NO. God wants us to turn to Him for help, forgiveness and the skills we need to to stop. If not God, then someone. In society today, we are told to be more open and honest with those around us, but how many times when we do this, do those around us judge us.

Personally, I say stick with talking to God. He knows it anyway and God loves talking to us behind a closed door, in silence. What parent doesn't like having a one-on-one with their child, especially when their child is being open and honest, desperate for help and guidance.

We shouldn't be ashamed of sin because we do sin. We should however keep trying to stop. Temptation strikes and as much as we try, the devil gets his way and we can't resist sometimes. Like my blog before, don't let the devil become a capital letter in your life. Let's God's angels wrap their wings around you to protect you from the devil's flames of hell.

The Holy Spirit whispers in our ear to tell us not to. We just need to believe in our willpower and strength received from the Holy Trinity to not even consider the thought of sinning in secret. I know it is easier said than done but with God it is easier done than said.'s a secret NO MORE!

Lord, I am in great trouble,
so I call out to you.
Lord, hear my voice;
listen to my prayer for help.
Lord, if you punished people for all their sins,
no one would be left, Lord.
But you forgive us,
so you are respected.

I wait for the Lord to help me,
and I trust His word. 
I wait for the Lord to help me more than night watchmen wait for the dawn,
more than night watchmen wait for the dawn.

People of Israel, put your hope in the Lord because He is loving and able to save.
He will save Israel from all their sins.
Psalm 130

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