Wednesday 21 September 2016

A Mixed Up Mind

He places the empty mixing bowl on the stand under the whisks, switching it on. As the bowl turns, He gently pours ingredients in, in His own time. The mixing bowl gets filled and turns like my mixing mind.

Tattooing came to mind this week. I wondered if tattooing really is not accepted in spirituality but then I wondered if  anyone knew that we all have a tattoo stamped on our soul. God branded us when we were created. We are His and His tattoo might be invisible or goes unnoticed but I believe it's there. People get tattoos to remember someone, something they have achieved or a lesson learnt. A God's tattoo on our soul does exactly the same thing. Hmmm....interesting!

My mixed up mind also made me consider the lack of talking about intimacy in spirituality. How even though we speak about it, we still don't speak openly or possible enough about it. People are so worried that it entices temptation but then maybe our faith is not strong enough not to be tempted. I loved being intimate and let's be clear, I am not talking about sex. We need to accept that we need intimacy and we need to be able to talk about it, in order to deal with issues we might have with it. Intimacy is a part of a relationship that makes a person vulnerable, open and non-judgemental. It's connecting on a very personal level with another that is quite difficult to explain. God wants this level of relationship with us too. He wants us to be vulnerable, open and honest with Him. Do you embrace your intimacy?

Lastly, on a more personal, serious and humorous note, I need to learn to love again. This was said to me about a month ago and it repeats in my mind often because it is true. And how do I know this to be so because a few weeks ago I had a guy try and compliment me and I didn't even know he was until he said he was going to give up trying. I laugh at it now but it really made me realise how I have shut down that part of me and that's not necessarily good. I am an outgoing, social person with "safe" people. "Safe" people are family, friends and married people but put a "possibility" in the mix and I shut down completely in fear of actually getting someones attention besides the "safe" attention. I shouldn't be living like this because how can I expect God to work in that area when I can't open that door. do I learn to love again? Where do I find the key to unlock the door? What is the key?

And so my whisks stir the ramblings in my mixing bowl, my mind, as God gently pours them in one by one. God gives us thoughts to question, reflect, learn and ultimately turn to Him for answers. So as the bowl turns I wait to hear the answers for God shapes me like clay, preparing me.

Image result for bible verses about a mixed up mind

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