Wednesday 12 October 2016

True Reality Check

I like to believe that people are trying to discover their true selves and in turn, trying to act more like their true selves. I hold the people around me in high esteem and when they make a decision that scars my high esteem of them, it hurts and disappoints.

The reason I keep people in high esteem is because I can see their true selves and I give them the benefit of the doubt because deep down, I know it's in them even when they don't necessarily see it themselves but then something happens and that high esteem is shattered. The one thing I hate about seeing things about others that not many see is that when they disappoint me, it affects me more on a deeper level because I know it's not who they truly are and it's not who I expect them to be or act.

When I am presented with this, I am faced with the question: Do I broach the subject with them, knowing they will be upset? Do I just not engage them as much as I used to? Do I not allow things to happen again? Do I become guarded?

Am I expecting too much from someone who actually doesn't see their true worth as a person, friend, family, parent etc? Should I lower my level of standards I expect from others so it doesn't occur often?

 Image result for Psalm 118 verse 8-9 

God tells us not to trust in people on earth as they will hurt you, disappoint you and do things differently to you but it's difficult for me when I can see their hearts and how they hide them because they don't know how to handle their true self and how they allow themselves to be how others want them to be.

And if you think about it, that's quite a harsh verse to accept. We love having great friendships, family relationships, etc but yet God tells us to take caution and to rather put your complete trust in Him rather than others. This is not easy to wrap your head around.

The world around us encourages us to trust those we care about it but God says rather trust in Me as I won't hurt you, I won't disappoint you and I won't forsake you.

What I take and understand from this verse is this: I love you because God loves you and love never fails. Love trusts, hopes, stands strong and never ends.

As my heart continues to be scarred and my mind mixed up, I will continue to trust more in God than man even though it is hard for me.

Image result for 1 corinthians 13:7

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