Tuesday 6 June 2017

Twelve Months of Christ: May

In May, I attended my monthly writing workshop and we learnt an interesting lesson. We learnt to consider the small things when writing and it got me wondering about life. Should we consider the small things in life? What would we call “small things”? Does God want us to do this?

What would we call “small things”?
For me, small things are checking in with people I know and care about. Just letting them know that they are thought of and loved. I like getting messages like this. It’s nice to know that others do think of me and I want them to know I think of them too.

Sometimes small things are also the boring things many people don’t like to do but have to do, for example, laundry, dishes, ironing, etc. What if you or I did one of these “small things” for another? Consider this; sometimes what’s boring or tedious to us might not be to them.

A small thing could be buying something sweet for after supper to share with family. It could be a squeeze of the hand showing the person that he/she is not alone in this life. It could be hearing another person’s voice.

A small thing could be a love message in the lunch box of a child or a smile at a stranger. To some, it seems a wasted effort or too small to notice but you don’t know that. Your “small thing” could be huge, important, needed to another.
What are “small things” to you?

Should we consider these “small things”?
I think we should because a small thing can make a big difference. It can fill an empty space. It can teach a lesson or be a reminder of a type of behaviour.

A small thing could save us, inspire us, encourage us to be blessed. A small thing could be the sunshine in our storm or a rainbow amid our flood. If someone does a “small thing” to you, consider embracing it with all you’ve got. You just never know what the outcome would be.

Don’t let the size of the gift shadow its significance!

And God?
God is the man about all things small. We all start off as small, often feeling insignificant and unnoticed. But to God, sometimes the smaller we are, the bigger He sees us.

Remember the mustard seed…..it is tiny and hardly seen yet it grows to be a big and noticeable tree, deeply rooted in the Lord’s soil.

God might send someone to share a small thing with us because He knows we need it even if we don’t realise it.

God sent His son, Jesus, who never disregarded the small things. The woman who bled profusely touching his cloak because she believed He could heal her. He felt it and acknowledged it.
The tax collector trying to hide in the tree making sure He wouldn’t be noticed….Jesus noticed. The prostitute that others mistreated, making her feel like a “small thing”….Jesus noticed.

As you read this, you might be feeling “small, unimportant, useless, and unloved”.


Let me tell you that size don’t matter to God; heart does….remember David and Goliath? Power doesn’t matter to God, respect does. A human making you feel like this doesn’t matter because God loves you, sees you, hears you and you are the biggest, most important and useful person God created.

The small things matter to you, to me and to God. Think about them, share them and consider them.

Hope your May was as big and small as mine. Share my world with you in June. Until then, God bless His “small things”.

Image result for Bible verses about small things

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