Friday 21 July 2017

Twelve Months of Christ: June and July

Bloggers block, health issues and winter made my month of June fly past into July. Forgive me, for combining two months into one.

I asked on Facebook what I should write about and one comment reminded me of a exercise I recently used. So, I thought I would share it with all of you and possibly encourage you to give it a try.

We each have a wish, a dream, a goal and something we want in life. I am going to teach you how to reflect on this by drawing it and asking yourself certain questions. Be honest and have fun!

Let's do "THE MOUNTAIN" exercise together

1. Take 4 wax crayons (different colours) and a blank sheet of paper.
2. Take your first colour and draw a wavy line near the bottom to represent water. 
    With the same colour, starting at the bottom in your water, draw a mountain.
3. At the top peak of your mountain, take another colour and draw a picture representing your wish,
   dream, goal, anything you want. 
4. Where are you on this mountain? Take another colour and draw a heart representing yourself, 
    showing where you think you are on your mountain.
5. Where is God on your journey? Behind you, next to you, ahead of you, maybe even far from you.
    Take your last colour and draw a cross representing where you feel God is on your journey.
6. Close your eyes for about 10 secs and now open them, looking at the whole picture.



Quietly, reflect on it, asking yourself these few questions:

1. Why has it taken so long to achieve your peak? 
2. What's making you not get there? Is it a person, a place or maybe it's yourself that's in the way?
3. What do you need to do today, regardless of how big or small, to get a bit closer to the peak?
4. Do you need to possibly ask for help or support? Maybe you need to speak to someone about it?
5. Lastly, where is God in the picture? Is He near? Is He far? Maybe, you need to speak to Him more.
It is your picture...your life....what you do with it is up to you.....

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