Tuesday 5 September 2017

Twelve Months of Christ: August

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August in South Africa is Women's Month and we celebrate Woman's Day on the 9th. It is only fitting that this month's post is all about Women.

Throughout time, women have been in the background, making homes and raising children. Until recently, women weren't allowed to be in prominent positions and participate in a "man's" world. 

But think back......we don't always realise it but women have been making a difference and changing the world since Biblical times. God allowed women from all walks of life to make an impact in the lives of many men; some good and some bad. From Creation, women have influenced their men and worked behind the scenes to make changes in the forefront, sometimes without men being aware of it.

Admittedly, their decisions were not always good ones. However, their decisions still made a difference in the short and long term.

From Eve in the Garden of Eden who caused us all to be aware of nakedness and often weakness, to Ruth who teaches us faith, respect and loyalty to Mary, Jesus's Mother who taught us to always listen and follow God even when we might not understand, agree or believe it's right. Mary also teaches the pain of being a parent and the loss of a child.

Are your eyes wider yet?
Image result for women funny bible cartoons

How about the woman in Song of Solomon who shares her wisdom on romance, love and sexuality?
Tabitha, a devoted Christian who helped the poor? She teaches us compassion.

I could go on and on. Throughout the pages of the Bible, men have ruled but women have influenced, encouraged, manipulated and whispered in these men's ears.

In these modern times, women still feel inferior, weak and often not good enough to try to be different, to make a change and follow their passions. Listen to God, listen to me, read Scripture and open your eyes to the Women of Worth that God created.

God created you, His Princess and like the women in the Bible, you are important and worthy. Ask God to bless you with the confidence, perseverance and wisdom so you can see, appreciate and use your value to influence and encourage others to see their value too.

In my eyes and definitely God's eyes....you are....W.O.W. (Woman of Worth!)
Image result for women bible quotes

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