Tuesday 28 August 2018

The Pretender

The Pretender walks with a smile and an invisible hop in her step. Her mood is infectious, spreading it through the veins of the people she passes. They can feel her happiness, smell her success, touch her beauty and taste the love on her lips. She caresses your soul with her soft words. She touches you that fill you with warmth.

The Pretender can make a man feel weak at the knees with a simple look. But every Sunday she sits in a wooden pew on her knees, praying for forgiveness yet she can’t stop. Her coins jingle with the others in the collection bag. Money, her sins obtained.

The Pretender, like you and me, walks among, works among us and sometimes is us. On the page, the Pretender sounds mysterious, exotic, sensual and tempting but on the street she is cunning, curious, sexy and evil. She hides in the heels she walks in, the make-up she wears, the clothes she wears, even the hair the flows down her back.

The Pretender hunts her prey in the shadows of the buildings at night only to pounce in the light of day. Her confidence outshines her cunning while the twinkle in her eyes promises seduction and adventure.

Beware of the Pretender, the woman who says she’s better, bigger and can give everything you need. Her smile is big, her touch is real but her emotion is not.

The Pretender is the person you least expect it to be.
The only question I have is this one:

Are you the Pretender?

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