Wednesday 10 October 2018

I prefer.....

I prefer to shower, but I'm blessed to have a bath
I prefer to be wealthy, but I'm blessed to be able to pay my bills
I prefer to abundantly eat, but I'm blessed to have daily food
I prefer to be alone, but I'm blessed with family and friends
I prefer to have my dream career, but I'm blessed to have a job
I prefer to have my own car, but I'm blessed to have transport
I prefer to be in control, but I'm blessed to have God in my life.

Sometimes we have to count our blessings to remind us that burden could be a blessing in disguise, to get us out the darkness and to bel God tell us we are blessed no matter where we find ourselves.

You might prefer many things but God blesses us with better and what we need. 

I prefer to know better, but God knows best!

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