Monday 3 December 2018

Actions speak louder than words

Your actions speak louder than words. This is true to me as I sit in the middle of the night in the dark. Why don't people realise that sometimes the things they do (or even don't do) tell you more about how they feel about you more than the words that come out of their mouth.

Sometimes I wish people's eyes were staring back at them so they can see their actions and how these actions make others feel or think. Your actions can make a person feel unattractive, unloved, worthless or feel unimportant in your life.

I'm sure I do it too but I wish I wasn't like this because often my actions don't seem to match my emotion. Is it the same for you?

It seems the people we care about seem to do this more often than others; or maybe we just notice it more because of the bond we have with our loved ones. What we don't realise is that their (or our) actions hurt the ones we love.

Every action has a consequence and it seems, for me, at this present moment, sitting here, the consequence runs deep and the hurt is real. I wonder if the person acting a certain way actually realises how they are making the other person feel?

Who knows? Do you know how your actions affect others? Do you care?

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